Explore available roles. All positions in Ethnos except church-planting roles are available to associates.


Head of School - Mountainview Christian School

  • Personnel Management (Recruitment, Orientation, Member Care...)
  • Head of School/Board Linkage
  • Supervision and Evaluation (administrators, teacher, dorms, support staff)
  • Leadership and Organizational Management
  • School/Community 
  • Other assigned duties
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Physical Education Teacher K-12

To teach physical education to elementary and high school students at Hillcrest.
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Physical Education Teacher K-12

To teach physical education to elementary and high school students at Hillcrest.
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Physical Education Teacher K-12

To teach physical education to elementary and high school students at Hillcrest.
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Physical Education Teacher K-12

To teach physical education to elementary and high school students at Hillcrest.
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High School / Middle School Principal

Schedule classes, assign subjects and other responsibilities to teachers.
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Special Education Teacher - Secondary

To provide instruction to special needs students in the secondary grades.
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Special Education Teacher - Secondary

To provide instruction to special needs students in the secondary grades.
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Special Education Teacher - Secondary

To provide instruction to special needs students in the secondary grades.
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Special Education Teacher - Elementary

Provide instruction to special needs students in the elementary grades.
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Director Hillcrest School

Hire teacher, and national employees. Oversee the finances, and the development of the school.
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Math Teacher

To teach math to high school students.
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Elementary Teacher

To teach elementary students.
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Bible Teacher

To teach Bible lessons to Hillcrest students.
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Bible Teacher

To teach Bible lessons to Hillcrest students.
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Computer Skills Teacher K-8

To teach computer skills to students K-8 grades.
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Computer Skills Teacher K-8

To teach computer skills to students K-8 grades.
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Computer Skills Teacher K-8

To teach computer skills to students K-8 grades.
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Computer Skills Teacher K-8

To teach computer skills to students K-8 grades.
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Field MK Ed Admin Team Member

  1. Help prepare for, lead, and attend the IFEC Annual Meeting
  2. Periodic review of MK Care & Education documents
  3. Oversight of the field’s child safety programs (Safe Child & Boundaries)
  4. Field education-related financial accounts
  5. Communication regarding MK Education to the field
  6. Support regional education consultants
  7. MK Ed correspondence
  8. Short-term MK Ed workers
  9. Updating & Maintaining MK Ed folders on Teams
  10. Updating & Maintaining Dropbox files
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Field Education Consultant

Education Consulting, Annual Forms, Search and Teach, Standardized Testing, Support Regional Education Consultants and E2 Interviews

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Administrator HIllcrest School

To oversee the administrative needs of Hillcrest International School.
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One Room Schoolhouse Teacher

The purpose of Hillcrest International School is to enable sponsoring members and other evangelical, expatriate mission organizations to serve effectively by providing quality Christian education for their children. The purpose of Ethnos360 is to assist the local church in planting churches among least reached people groups.
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One Room Schoolhouse Teacher

The purpose of Hillcrest International School is to enable sponsoring members and other evangelical, expatriate mission organizations to serve effectively by providing quality Christian education for their children. The purpose of Ethnos360 is to assist the local church in planting churches among least reached people groups.
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Computer Skills Teacher K-8

To teach computer skills to students K-8 grades.
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One Room Schoolhouse Teacher

The purpose of Hillcrest International School is to enable sponsoring members and other evangelical, expatriate mission organizations to serve effectively by providing quality Christian education for their children. The purpose of Ethnos360 is to assist the local church in planting churches among least reached people groups.
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One Room Schoolhouse Teacher

The purpose of Hillcrest International School is to enable sponsoring members and other evangelical, expatriate mission organizations to serve effectively by providing quality Christian education for their children. The purpose of Ethnos360 is to assist the local church in planting churches among least reached people groups.
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Elementary Music Teacher

To teach music to the students at Hillcrest International School.
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Elementary Music Teacher

To teach music to the students at Hillcrest International School.
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Elementary Teachers

To teach elementary grade children.
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National Missionary Trainer

After arriving in Asia Pacific missionary trainers will begin and become highly proficient in the language and culture of Asia Pacific. Upon completion of culture and language study, the candidate will join a team at one of the training centers with the goal of teaching preparing missionary candidates for future ministry.
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Church Planter/Development

After arriving in Asia Pacific church planters/developers will begin and become highly proficient in the language and culture of Asia Pacific.  After team formation the church planters/developers will move into villages and begin an intense time of culture and language acquisition of the local language while building relationships among the people.  After reaching proficiency in the culture and language, the church planters/developers will write Bible lessons and translate Old Testament portions and the New Testament into the local language.  This takes place while systematically teaching Bible lessons in order to build an understanding of God’s Word.  In most cases the church planting team is involved in literacy training.  The ongoing work of the church planter/developer is to see new believers discipled and develop local church leadership.

In some cases, a national church presence has previously been established in a village setting and we are being requested to come alongside these ministries to assist in the maturation process.  Literacy, lesson development, Bible translation, teaching and other typical church planting/developing ministries still apply to these situations.

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Bible Translator

Translate Scripture as part of a church development team.
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Kindergarten Teacher

To teach Kindergarten.
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Physical Education K-12

To teach Physical Education to students at Hillcrest International School.
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Computer Skills Teacher K-12

To teach computer skills to students at Hillcrest International School.
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Finance Manager

Finance Management at Hillcrest International School.
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Art Teacher K-12

To teach art to the students at Hillcrest International School.
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Elementary Art Teacher

To teach art to the students at Hillcrest International School.
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Computer Skills Teacher K-12

To teach computer skills to students at Hillcrest International School.
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5th Grade Teacher

To teach 5th grade students.
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School Guidance Counselor (HS)

To assist secondary students in making academic and career plans.
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School Nurse

To provide nursing care to the students at Hillcrest International School.
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Elementary Teacher (intermediate)

To teach elementary (intermediate) students.
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1st Grade Elementary Teacher

Responsible to instruct and challenge the students academically, creating a stimulating and disciplined learning environment.  Responsible for planning and presenting direct instruction that will result in students achieving success.
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1st Grade Elementary Teacher

Responsible to instruct and challenge the students academically, creating a stimulating and disciplined learning environment.  Responsible for planning and presenting direct instruction that will result in students achieving success.
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Bookkeeper and Liaison w/ Partner orgs

Liaison with partner organization requiring a high degree of national language proficiency. Responsible for mission account oversight and quality control.  Responsible to operate and manage the bookkeeping outstation for the region.
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IT Network Administrator

Maintain and give direction for a network of 100+ computers at the school.
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Computer Science Teacher K-12

To teach computer to grades K-12.
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