The Biem Church’s Beginning

Wayne and Gail Chen minister among the Biem people of Papua New Guinea. In 2012, the gospel was presented on one island, and the Biem church was born. There are still two other islands where more Biem people live; neither one of the islands has had the gospel presented. But that’s about to change.

The Trip to Kadawar

Biem Men travel to Kadawar

Five years ago, not one of the new believers from Biem had a desire to take the gospel to the neighbouring islands. Recently, though, when the idea of “outreach” came up, the church decided it was time to go.

Wayne said, “Twelve members from the Biem church hopped in our small boat and made the 15-mile trip to Kadawar, another little volcanic island out in the middle of the ocean. The goal was to check on these neighbouring islands to see if they have any interest in Biem missionaries coming to live and share God’s talk with them.”

“Make a Decision Well!”

Biem and Kadawar young men

One believer stood and told the assembled crowd not to make a mistake about God’s way: “Please, please, please hear this talk so you can know and make a decision well.”

It was made very clear that the foreign missionaries won’t be coming; it will only be the Biem believers.  While most of the community on Kadawar expressed a clear desire for Biem missionaries to come, there were dissenting voices too. Pray for the Biem outreach to Kadawar.