Kuman believers are composing and singing original praise songs.
Imagine abruptly standing up in church this Sunday and announcing, “I would like to share a song!” You would then walk to the front and sing a song of your own creation—straight from your heart.
That is what Kuman believers do, Kelly Tallman shares. Some songs are sung to traditional Kuman chant tunes and some to more modern tunes—some you might even recognize. Some voices are strong and pleasant and others might be a little shaky or a bit off-key.
But all the songs of praise from the heart are sweet to God’s ears.
“Right now the Kuman church is going through a time of much song-sharing and performing of dramas to drive home Biblical truth,” Kelly adds. “It’s sometimes an hour before Will or one of the other men gets a chance to preach.”
In the last three months alone, more than 60 new songs have been added to the Kuman songbook, Kelly says. “On Fridays, the songwriters come to our house to write down the new songs and practice them for the next service.”
Prior to hearing the Gospel, the Kuman people had little reason to sing joyful praise songs to God. But since receiving the Good News about Jesus, they are sharing in song about His love and grace and forgiveness.
The newfound literacy skills help, too. Now they are able to write and read and preserve their beautiful songs of praise.
The joy of praising God in song is a gift God has given to the Kuman tribe because Will and Kelly Tallman heard His call to teach literacy and truth from God’s Word to people who had never before heard the Gospel.
Other tribes are still waiting to hear. You can learn to take God’s Word to them.