Get ready … GO!

PREPARE FOR THE CHALLENGE. Get the training you need to be a missionary to some of the world’s most remote tribal people.

Bible Training

You’ll study every book of the Bible in the two-year, college-level course at Ethnos360 Bible Institute. Your studies will help you understand the call to mission as a natural outgrowth of God’s love, grace and mercy. Ethnos360 Bible Institute or equivalent training or experience is a prerequisite for Emanate, Ethnos Canada’s missionary training.

Learn more about Ethnos360 Bible Institute


Missionary Training

Ethnos’ missionary training program, Emanate, prepares you for career ministry with Ethnos. Think about it: If you were given the opportunity today to plant a church in an unreached tribe, would you know where to start? Missionary training teaches you about the complex concepts involved in tribal church planting, such as understanding culture and learning language, so you can effectively communicate cross-culturally. We’re also vitally concerned about your walk with God, so that in an isolated, high-pressure environment, your relationship with God can survive and even thrive.

Learn more about Emanate


Ongoing training

Each step of the way in your church planting ministry, you’ll need additional training — and you’ll get it. You’ll get an orientation and learn the country’s language when you reach the country where you will serve. When you get to a remote village, experienced missionaries help you learn the culture and language, develop a written language, teach people to read and write, translate, and more. Seminars and workshops and training sessions for you and your co-workers provide additional opportunities to refine the skills you need to be effective in ministry.