God is answering prayer in an amazing way for the missionary aviation program in Papua New Guinea.

One of the rotor blades on the Long Ranger helicopter in Papua New Guinea had been recalled. As there are many Long Rangers affected by this recall, it looked as though the helicopter would be grounded for quite a while.

“As of today our helicopter is back up and flying again .… We were able to buy a blade from SIL Aviation,” wrote missionary flight mechanic Bobby Bagley.

A couple of other mission organizations with a flight program have offered to loan personnel to the NTMA program for a short time.

“This will help to keep us going as we are for a little while longer,” Bobby wrote.

While the missionary aviation program does need more full-time personnel, this extra help will allow the aviation program to continue serving missionaries and the local church as it has been doing for many years.

Praise God with us that the helicopter is available for medical runs and other needs and that they have the loan of these other pilots for now. Pray that some will be challenged to be a part of the missionary aviation team.

You can help with the cost of flights for missionaries by giving to the missionary flight subsidy project.