Did you check the Weather Channel lately to track the winds over the Pacific? Have you researched the price of aviation fuel in the Marshall Islands? Probably not. But that’s the kind of information that Leon, the professional ferry pilot, needs in order to plan Kodiak No. 3’s flight to Papua New Guinea.

And he found a window of favourable winds and the price of fuel! Although regardless of the price, he’d have to buy it anyway. The Kodiak has a normal fuel capacity of 320 gallons, but with the two extra fuel tanks that were installed, it doubles that, giving the plane the ability to fly many more hours.

On April 1 Kodiak No. 3 took off from NTM Aviation’s headquarters in McNeal, Arizona, heading toward Kansas, where the two extra fuel tanks were installed. With the work completed, on April 30 Leon next headed to California. Twelve hours to Hawaii and 12 more to the Marshall Islands followed. After a final 13 hours Kodiak No. 3 finally landed in Papua New Guinea on May 4 and very quickly cleared customs.

God answered your prayers for safety and protection and favourable winds as Leon flew those many hours over the vastness of the Pacific. Thank you for praying.

Now pray for the NTM Aviation team in Papua New Guinea as they complete the paperwork to allow the Kodiak to take its place in the support of the missionary teams scattered around the country. It is an incredible blessing to have three Kodiaks sharing the load in taking the gospel to the unreached tribes.

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