God answered your prayers!  A Kodiak is on its way to Papua New Guinea!

Last year, you heard the great news that God provided two Kodiak airplanes to serve in Papua New Guinea (PNG).  The missionaries in PNG couldn’t wait for them to arrive to replace the aging Cessna 206’s.

But setback after setback delayed the Kodiaks.  The hopes of the teams working in remote locations became a desperate plea.  “Please, please pray,” urged tribal church planter Dave Wright.

Now God is answering Dave’s prayers — and yours!  God has put essential pieces of the puzzle into place:

  • Koen Verdonck agreed to be program manager for NTM Aviation in PNG.
  • John Mark Estelle, veteran NTM Aviation pilot, volunteered to make multiple trips to PNG to train our pilots to fly the Kodiak.
  • MAF in PNG is currently providing in-country flight experience to Brent Haberchak and Ryan Farran, our two newest pilots in PNG.
  • Three more pilot couples plan to be in PNG within the year.

With some of these crucial requirements met, the PNG government has just given permission for NTM Aviation to import the first Kodiak.  It should be flying to PNG by the end of June. You can pray it there!

  • June 10 — The inspection for the Export Certificate of Airworthiness starts.
  • June 12 — The Kodiak goes to the company that will outfit it with extra gas tanks and fly it to PNG.
  • Late June — keep an eye on your inbox for tracking information to follow the Kodiak flight to PNG. (subscribe here)

Your continuing partnership is invaluable.  Two more — yes, two more — Kodiaks are waiting their turn to go to PNG.  NTM Aviation just purchased Kodiak #3 for PNG with funds from generous donors.

Lord willing, all three Kodiaks will be helping to reach isolated people groups by mid-2016.

Wow! God is so good.

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