Explore available roles. All positions in Ethnos except church-planting roles are available to associates.


Bible Translator

Translate Scripture as part of a church development team.
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Church Planter/Development

After arriving in Asia Pacific church planters/developers will begin and become highly proficient in the language and culture of Asia Pacific.  After team formation the church planters/developers will move into villages and begin an intense time of culture and language acquisition of the local language while building relationships among the people.  After reaching proficiency in the culture and language, the church planters/developers will write Bible lessons and translate Old Testament portions and the New Testament into the local language.  This takes place while systematically teaching Bible lessons in order to build an understanding of God’s Word.  In most cases the church planting team is involved in literacy training.  The ongoing work of the church planter/developer is to see new believers discipled and develop local church leadership.

In some cases, a national church presence has previously been established in a village setting and we are being requested to come alongside these ministries to assist in the maturation process.  Literacy, lesson development, Bible translation, teaching and other typical church planting/developing ministries still apply to these situations.

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National Missionary Trainer

After arriving in Asia Pacific missionary trainers will begin and become highly proficient in the language and culture of Asia Pacific. Upon completion of culture and language study, the candidate will join a team at one of the training centers with the goal of teaching preparing missionary candidates for future ministry.
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Church Planters

Language and Culture study, Teaching, Translation, Community Development and Basic Medical Services.
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Church Planter

Upon arrival in PNG church planters begin with study of the national trade language and PNG culture, orientation to the wider team and ministries and specific equipping for the PNG context. Keeping interdependence with the existing PNG National Church in mind, church planters will then form teams, move into ministry locations, and begin building relationships as students of the local culture and language. After reaching proficiency in a specific culture and language, the ongoing work toward church maturity is begun in earnest.  In most cases the church planting team is involved in creating a literacy program and training local teachers. Church planters will also produce a systematic Bible curriculum and translate Old Testament portions and the New Testament into the local language.  While performing those tasks, the work of the church planter is to live out the truths and are being taught, by word and deed discipling new believers toward maturity and training up leaders for the local church. 

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Church Planters

Bible teaching, translation, literacy and discipleship.
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Church Planter

Bible teaching, translation and discipleship.
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Church Planter

Bible teaching, translation, and discipleship.
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Church Planter

Bible teaching, translation and discipleship.
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Church Planter

Bible teaching, translation and discipleship.
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Church Planter

Bible teaching and discipleship.
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Church Planter

Bible teaching, translation, literacy and discipleship.
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Bible Translator

Translate Scripture as part of a church planting team. Form relationships by serving and learning culture and language.
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Church Planter

 Help begin a new work by serving people, building relationships with them and learning about their way of life. After language and culture acquisition you will work with a team to plant a church.
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Church Planter

Bible teaching, translation and discipleship among the Badyaranke in Senegal.
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Church Planter

Teaching, translation, literacy and discipleship among the Glaro people in Liberia.
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Church Planter

Language and culture learning Bible teaching and discipleship.
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Church Planter

Bible translation, teaching and discipleship.
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Church Planter

After studying the language and culture of the Bulongish, missionaries will be involved in literacy, Bible translation and community development.
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Church Planter

After studying the language and culture of the Konyagui, Missionaries will be involved in literacy, Bible translation, Bible teaching, and discipleship.
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Church Planter

Missionaries will begin by being involved in culture and language acquisition. Upon completion of language study missionaries will develop Bible lessons and teach using the Chronological materials. Bible translation may or may not be necessary depending on this tribe's capacity for understanding the existing Guarani Bible. Discipleship of growing believers and training and discipleship of church leaders will also be the church planters responsibility. Responsibilities may also include the development of a literacy program.
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Church Planter

Missionaries will begin by being involved in culture and language acquisition. Upon completion of language study missionaries will develop Bible lessons and teach using the Chronological materials. Bible translation may or may not be necessary depending on this tribe's capacity for understanding the existing Guarani Bible. Discipleship of growing believers and training and discipleship of church leaders will also be the church planters responsibility. Responsibilities may also include the development of a literacy program.
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Church Planter

Missionaries will begin by being involved in culture and language acquisition. Upon completion of language study missionaries will develop Bible lessons and teach using the Chronological materials. Bible translation may or may not be necessary depending on this tribe's capacity for understanding the existing Guarani Bible. Discipleship of growing believers and training and discipleship of church leaders will also be the church planters responsibility. Responsibilities may also include the development of a literacy program.
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Church Planter

Missionaries will begin by being involved in culture and language acquisition. Upon completion of language study missionaries will develop Bible lessons and teach using the Chronological materials. Bible translation may or may not be necessary depending on this tribe's capacity for understanding the existing translation. Discipleship of growing believers and training and discipleship of church leaders will also be the church planters responsibility. Responsibilities may also include the development of a literacy program.
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Church Planter

Missionaries will be involved in culture and language acquisition. Upon completion of language study, they will be involved in evangelism, discipling new believers and developing indigenous church leadership.
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Church Planter

This is a new work. Missionaries will be involved in culture and language acquisition. Upon completion of language study, they will begin writing Bible lessons, teaching & translating Bible portions. They will also be involved in evangelism, discipling new believers and developing indigenous church leadership.
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Missionary Trainer

1. Teaching various modules in the CCC course, particularly Church Planting modules and related topics
2. Some CCC administration
3. Mission Simulation (Jungle Camp) set up
4. Mission course Mentoring of individual students
1. Administrative duties which will include handling CCC student evaluations and diplomas, correspondence to home churches, minutes for CCC, entering students' data on the mission database and other miscellaneous correspondence and office duties.
2. Possibly teaching some short modules on the CCC course
3. Mission Course Mentoring of individual students
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Church Planter

 Begin by becoming involved in culture and Spanish language acquisition in the area of a local Paraguayan church interior. Upon completion begin language and culture acquisition with the local church team in the tribal language. Develop Bible lessons and teach chronological Bible lessons as part of the team. Develop a literacy program.
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Church Planter

You will be involved in culture and language acquisition. Upon completion of language study, you will begin writing Bible lessons for teaching new believers, and translating Bible portions. Involvment in evangelism, discipleship and developing indigenous church leadership is key to accomplishing this ministry.
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Bible Translator

Bible Translation
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Church Planter

Many unreached tribes in various locations in Brazil.
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Church Planter

Bible translation and discipleship of new believers. Will be preparing chronological lessons as well.
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