Explore available roles. All positions in Ethnos except church-planting roles are available to associates.


Public Relations

·         Evaluate the current trends within communications and social media that could benefit the furthering of NTM-PNG’s goals.

·         Develop and coordinate NTM-PNG’s communications schedule to meet its goals. Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of NTM-PNG current communications schedule, channels, and efforts. Make adjustments accordingly.

·         Proactive awareness of the goings-on within NTM-PNG in order to represent them.

·         Establish relationships with appropriate audiences in order to better achieve the goals of the Communications Team and to better connect with the needs of the audience.

·         Gather and develop stories/data/media

·         Act as spokesperson for NTM PNG as needed.

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Graphic Designer

Create and distribute relevant reports and media to various audiences with a view toward increasing awareness and engagement with NTM-PNG.
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Mission Coach

This ministry involves answering peoples' questions about possible service with Ethnos360 and connecting them to the appropriate personnel.  May involve responsibilities at a yearly orientation.
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Staff Writer/Editor - Ethnos360 Home Office

1. Research and write for the Ethnos360 magazine and other venues as assigned by the managing editor.
2. Acquire photos for stories.
3. Write in a manner consistent with the tone and approach in use by Communications.
4. Edit copy and participate in collaborative editing processes.
5. Proofread products.

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Social Media Specialist - Ethnos360 Home Office

Work closely with the editorial team to adapt existing content and to create new original content for the benefit of our communities. Work with the Social Media Manager on responding to questions, comments and feedback in our social communities and follow-up accordingly. Follow #Ethnos360 on social media, as well as many of our members who are involved on social media.  There is a wealth of repost-able posts.
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Videographer/Audio-Video Editor - Ethnos360 Home Office

1. Work with a collaborative team to create videos promoting the vision and purpose of Ethnos360. This would be the whole package deal, including concept of video, storyboarding, getting footage, editing and adding closed captioning, graphics and special effects.

2. Edit former videos to bring them up to our current brand standards.

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Graphic Designer - Ethnos360 Home Office

Working within the look of the current campaign and the overall Ethnos360 design standards, design and prepare for print products (brochures, flyers, booklets and magazine), web pages and social media posts.  The process includes but is not limited to:
  • Meeting with the graphic design manager, managing editor and/or customers to discuss the intent and content for the product.
  • Selecting photos, fonts and other graphical elements.
  • Determining how to use and how to treat those elements, including cropping, color correction, type size and style, and illustration styles.
  • Designing products using Adobe Creative Cloud apps.
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Web Manager - Ethnos360 Aviation

Manage and maintain Ethnos360 Aviation’s website according to our focus, vision, projects, needs, and brand platform, including evaluating and improving content, usability, architecture, development and design. This role involves collaboration with content managers, editors, management team.
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Events Promotion Manager - Ethnos360 Aviation

To create awareness of Ethnos360 Aviation through events and promotions. Includes scheduling, planning, organizing and overseeing Ethnos360 Aviation’s events throughout the year.
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Marketing and Social Media Manager - Ethnos360 Aviation

To coordinate areas of communication to effectively describe and promote the mission and goals of Ethnos360 Aviation. This role involves regularly evaluating the success of all marketing, social media and communications efforts and adjusting the strategy as needed.
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Writers - Ethnos360 Aviation

To communicate the ministry of Ethnos360 Aviation through writing and editing electronic and print media, including articles, stories, letters, promotional material, scripts, etc. Skill and experience in some or all of these styles of writing is helpful.
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Director of Ministry Advancement - Ethnos360 Aviation

To coordinate efforts to present a unified message of Ethnos360 Aviation’s stated mission and goals as well as our work and needs. To develop and implement strategy to connect with current and potential partners so they can join in advancing our mission and goals. This role involves coordination of departments involved in media, communications, public relations, development, events and promotions. It also includes outreach to potential major partners.
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Graphic Designer

Design promotional material for the mission in print and multi-media formats. More specifically:
  • Designs art and copy layouts for a broad spectrum of printed and electronic media.
  • Determines size and arrangement of illustrative material and copy, selects style and size of type, and arranges layout based upon available space, knowledge of layout principles, and aesthetic design concepts.
  • Reviews final layout and suggests improvements as needed.
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We need an individual/couple that can dedicate themselves to the representation of NTM and the recruitment of missionaries among Paraguayan churches. There are a growing number of Paraguayan churches that are reaching out and becoming involved in missionary efforts. It is important that they be informed, educated, and given the opportunity of participation and involvement with NTM in Paraguay. This job would involve speaking in churches and conferences, meeting with local pastors and youth groups, the development of Spanish language (and possibly Guarani) materials for representation, and possibly some travel with pastors and/or prospective missionaries to tribal locations for the purpose of exposure and observation.
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