Dear Readers,

Ethnos, founded in 1942 as New Tribes Mission, was founded with a deep rooted desire to hold nothing back, but to hazard all for the cause of Christ.

When five of our first missionaries were martyred in the jungles of Bolivia, the rest of the team, their wives included, pressed on to bring the gospel to the Ayoré people.

The tragic loss of life didn’t end with the death of those first five. Even as the number of casualties grew, believers-—both men and women—kept signing up to commit their lives to reach the unreached and the ministry grew.

That kind of determination is going to be needed as we begin sending teams to reach Canada’s First Peoples. A determination to go anywhere, under any circumstances for the cause of Christ, regardless of the cost.

Think about where Canada’s unreached First Peoples are living today. Serving as part of the Church in these contexts means going places where the work is going to be difficult. The conditions are going to be dangerous. Our determination is going to be tested again and again.

We are all familiar with the current growing tensions in the physical world, and we can be assured of more intense spiritual warfare as Christ’s return draws near.

I am excited to see how many Canadian believers are wanting to serve in the hard places. I am thrilled and amazed when I see gifted believers following the example of Christ and pressing on despite the hardships.

Yes. He is worth it.

I am confident that if the whole Church will engage in what Christ asked us to do, we can reach every indigenous people group in Canada—and the world—in this generation. God is at work!

Young people in particular want their lives to make an impact, to count for eternity. This is their time, and I pray that the Church in Canada rallies around them. There is nothing this world has to offer that can compare to introducing a people group to Christ!

Tim Whatley

Tim Whatley
Ethnos Canada
Executive Director