
The old classroom building on the Durham campus has been used for classrooms, childcare, library, student lounge, food distribution, and public washrooms.

Campus has a fresh purpose for this building

The campus’ main building, was already well used when New Tribes Mission bought this old church camp in 1968. So to keep the campus in shape to prepare future missionaries — ETHNOS Canada is renovating this old classroom building into a Connection Centre.

Campus Renovations Cost a Fraction of a New Building

The costs of a new campus building would be huge. Yet we can renovate this old classroom building for a fraction of the cost, and be good stewards of the resources God has entrusted to us.


Those challenged and equipped in Durham have shared the Gospel in hundreds of tribes

And their impact continues to shine forth as those who have become Christ’s disciples join in spreading the Gospel. Since 1968, believers have been challenged, equipped and supported by the campus here in Durham, Ontario.

Increased Capacity to 75 Students

Plans for future years include expanding the Missionary Training Centre capacity. With your help, the training can increase to accommodate to 75 candidates. That’s 75 young people who will be grounded in the Word, with a missions emphasis, directing them into a career in missions. Specifically, in reaching the world’s most needy people, people who have little or no access to the Gospel.


Meet the needs for the Durham Campus

Your funds toward the 2014 renovations will keep renovations on track. Work is being done one step at a time, one project at a time, as funds are available, so your help plays a crucial role. Help meet the needs for the Connection Centre so young people can be challenged, equipped and sent to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth.