Of the world’s 6,900 language groups, 2,500 are still unreached.
Ethnos Canada helps local churches mobilize, equip, and coordinate missionaries to these people.



Of the world’s 6,900 language groups, 2,500 are still unreached.
Ethnos Canada helps local churches mobilize, equip, and coordinate missionaries to these people.


Connect with a Missionary

Connect with church planting among unreached people groups. More than 2,500 missionaries serve around the world in remote places where there are no churches, or even work being done to establish one. Working in the context of tribal cultures and languages, missionaries bring God’s Word to those isolated from the Gospel, planting churches where Christ is not yet named.

Can’t find your missionary? Let us know.

Find a Missionary

Pete & Lesley Doerksen, Ethnos Canada missionaries in Atlantic Canada

Denitta Hannah, Ethnos Canada missionary

Sean and Tiffany Martin, Ethnos Canada missionaries to Asia-Pacific

Anthony Goddard, Ethnos Canada missionary to Brazil

Jeremy and Kimberly Wardlaw, Ethnos Canada missionaries to Africa

Nathan and Emily Willems, Ethnos Canada missionary pilot to Asia-Pacific

Kristin Simmons, Ethnos Canada teacher to missionary children in Papua New Guinea

Barry and Cathy Richards, Ethnos Canada missionary trainers in Canada

Kevin Goertzen, Ethnos Canada associate missionary in Western Canada