Siar believers, hungry for God’s Word, are getting more than seven hours of Bible teaching each week and are loving it.
The Siar believers meet on Saturday morning, Sunday morning and Sunday afternoon, missionary Jonathan Jackson writes. They are studying the book of Romans. And though the teaching time stretches into several hours, they are far from being bored.
“Each meeting is two to three hours long …. These believers are getting an average of seven and a half hours of Bible teaching each session.” Jonathan continues, “Do you think they are bored, waiting for it to end so they can bust out and get on with their lives? Not at all! Afterward, we sit together, talk about the teaching, answer questions from the Bible, and listen to what God is doing in their lives. I’m telling you, these people are hungry for the Word of God.”
Jonathan adds, “I hope this convicts your heart, because it sure does mine.”
Jonathan says there are people in the village who have expressed interest in hearing Firm Foundations chronological teaching of the Bible. “These people are ripe for the Gospel,” says Jonathan. “Please pray with us as we plan and begin to prepare the believers to work with us in reaching out … He has plans for the believers here in Siar.”
Last Sunday afternoon, this passage was taught: How then will they call on Him in Whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in Him of Whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? (Romans 10:14-15)
Jonathan says, “We were able to share with them about you. You have sent us here so they could hear the Good News.”
The Siar believers are hungry for God’s Word. Through the teaching in Romans, they are growing to see a vision of the lost condition of those around them who need to hear the Good News. Pray for Jonathan and Melissa Jackson and their family as they minister to the Siar people. Pray that God will continue to bless the teaching of His Word in the lives of Siar believers and that many unbelieving Siar people will be drawn to trust Christ for salvation.