Faithful believer goes home
Libanya helped other believers meet Jesus as well. He taught Firm Foundation Bible lessons.
Libanya helped other believers meet Jesus as well. He taught Firm Foundation Bible lessons.
Simon Flanagan's study of Mengen is complete, so soon he'll present Firm Foundation Bible lessons.
For Brooks and Nina Buser, that means returning to a remote Yembiyembi village.
Malaumanda believers are glad Bible translators are putting more books in their language. Asia-Pacific, Papua New Guinea, Malaumanda People, Current News, Prayer
Ambox isn't giving up on teaching even though many are not interested.
Siawi believers are encouraging each other to stand strong and not return to their old ways.
Kwaelom urged his family to celebrate his passing, not mourn him with old traditions.
One of the Mwinika men helping Bible translator Phil Henderson warns him that he needs to complete the task.
Mengen people hear two key Firm Foundation Bible lessons.