Welcoming 2020
In a few days, a new year will begin. Are you ready for it? As we hear from Ethnos missionaries around the world, a new year isn’t the only exciting new thing happening.
In a few days, a new year will begin. Are you ready for it? As we hear from Ethnos missionaries around the world, a new year isn’t the only exciting new thing happening.
My thoughts extend to the over three billion unreached people who don’t even know anything about Jesus, much less about His birth over 2,000 years ago. They have no concept of His life, His sacrifice for them, His abundant love. And who will tell them if we don’t?
In Tanzania, we find American missionaries, Canadian missionaries and Mexican missionaries coming together under Integral Vision. Together they are moving the church planting effort forward. We also find Tanzanian believers working alongside expat missionaries. This coming together to fulfill the Great Commission is an awesome thing to see.
What does it take to reach people in such a culturally, linguistically, and geographically diverse country? A diverse team — the whole body of Christ.
This very day, a specially-trained pilot has begun the ferry flight to deliver our new R66 to Brazil. PRAY for the journey of PP-NTB!
Some from his village marveled at his house in the valley. Didn't he know that the spirits lived there?
Kirk and his translation helper translated the book of Romans quite a while back, but the translated draft needs to be put through several checks before we can be confident that it truly meets our high standard for accuracy, clarity, and naturalness.
Thank God, we have had the opportunity to learn to read and write. The proof of that is that you are currently reading our newsletter. Sadly, there are a lot of people who still do not have the ability to read and write.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but a thousand words could not describe my feeling for this pastor.