Meet Your New Sister in Christ!
Pray for Abinipea’s continued growth in the Lord.
Pray for Abinipea’s continued growth in the Lord.
Pray for good translation helpers among the Moi.
Pray for Stephen and Carolyn as they continue to work at translating scripture into the Moi language. Also, for one of their Moi friends who has walked away from the Lord, that he would repent and come back.
Stephen and Carolyn Crockett are witnessing the effect that God has had on the Moi through a recent tragedy.
“I can read now. I am no longer like a cow. A cow just walks around and eats, and that is all I used to do. Now I can read; I can learn things.”
The Moi people presented huge challenges. But God used the humility and perseverance of the missionary team, and last year, elders were appointed.
"Before [I knew the Creator God], I was very afraid of evil spirits...That’s how I used to live; that’s how I used to think."
Church planters still need to walk alongside elders to help steer the young church.
“An elder’s job is not a small type of job, but a really big job.”