Literacy help found
The Cubeos need to learn to read and write in their own language so that they can read the Scriptures in their own language.
The Cubeos need to learn to read and write in their own language so that they can read the Scriptures in their own language.
Six thousand copies of the newly revised Hamtai New Testament will be put on a container in Pennsylvania, headed to Papua New Guinea.
Missionary Julie Martin shares a glimpse of what God is doing to build His church.
For the Dinangat church, God is stepping up His work of grace in growth and transformation.
The idea that God is everywhere all the time contradicts the beiliefs of Anton and his people that God is distant.
Joanna Kreiger is finding that strength and perseverance are also necessary to becoming a missionary, not just remaining one.
Tea made from the yerba plant is a huge part of Paraguayan culture.
As I rub shoulders with missionaries around this world, I am often brought to tears. Their testimonies of incredible obstacles, and yet pressing forward in obedience to God’s call to reach the unreached of this world, are overwhelming.
Sometimes tribal peoples’ hearts seem as dry and dusty as the landscape. But giving up would mean missing out.