18 08, 2021

Caring for MKs

By |August 18th, 2021|Ethnos Magazine August 2021|

A missionary once asked his son, “Where do you feel most at home?” His son replied, “Airports!” He had spent most of his youth as a “missionary kid” in Latin America and then moved to the United States to attend college.

18 08, 2021

First Responders

By |August 18th, 2021|Ethnos Magazine August 2021|

The call came in: A massive building had collapsed with many trapped inside. The first responders arrived on the scene and could hear the cries for help. It was going to be a long day. They knew they were only hearing the cries of a few. Many more were buried beyond earshot. To get everyone out of the debris would require careful planning, teamwork and sacrifice. They would need to remove all the layers of debris safely and carefully.  

18 08, 2021

From Our Executive Director

By |August 18th, 2021|Ethnos Magazine August 2021|

50 years ago, when Ethnos Canada needed a space for hosting mission conferences, local believers went to the bush, cut down trees, and brought the trunks to our campus. A simple pole structure was built, trusses were added and it was closed in with metal siding. Voila—a conference centre and gymnasium.

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