
[I knew the Creator God], I was very afraid of evil spirits. I was bitten a lot by centipedes, and that again made me afraid of the evil spirits. I thought I was going to die. That’s how I used to live; that’s how I used to think. But when I thought, “It’s true” about Jesus, on that day my fear of spirits became small. It was like the fear was dead.

I realized that I [had been] living under the chin (authority) of Satan, and that’s why I was afraid. My fear of spirits, of centipedes and of dying — all those He caused to be done for me [because] Jesus died for me, His blood was shed for me. Wow, thank you, Creator God, thank you! Now my life is really a life of peace, because the Creator God has freely caused me to live well because of His love for me.

The Creator gives an elder his job. This is a really big job. An elder does not hold to this job because he wants to nor is it a job that makes him live better. It’s a job that the Creator set up for him to do.

Bumani's Family

Since the Creator placed that job for me to do, it’s good. The Creator didn’t give us this job to live big over people. It’s good for us to put ourselves small under other people. Pray that we will have that humility.

I’m just a man, just a small person, so Satan is able to tempt me, and I can easily become proud. My friends, please pray to the Creator for me.

One thing I pray daily for is this: since our lives are in the Creator’s hands, who will He also place as elders? Who will it be? We just don’t know whom the Creator will choose. I pray that the Creator will choose three more people to be elders. I pray that all the time. So, my friends over there, please pray that for us too.

And another thing I pray daily for is the people here who are on the Creator’s side. I pray constantly that their hearts will become mature in Jesus. Since their hearts seem to be going back and forth all the time, I pray for them constantly that they may become mature.

Another thing I pray for continually is the people living around us who haven’t heard the Creator’s talk. Please pray that they might hear the Creator’s talk and become people on His side.

And for you living in America, you should go and take His talk to people all around you in other lands too. His good talk is for all mankind, so give up the things you want to do, and go tell people all around you in the distance. We can’t make ourselves alive, and only His talk can make us alive, so go and tell people all around you in the distance. That’s the talk I want to tell you.