About Ethnos Canada

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So far Ethnos Canada has created 370 blog entries.
25 09, 2014

Missionary Flight Sponsorship

By |September 25th, 2014|Aviation, Projects|

Missionary Flight Sponsorship needs a consistent base of people to replenish the fund as it is used to establish thriving churches. Do you have financial resources? Do you have a heart for those who have never heard the Gospel? Then Missionary Flight Sponsorship might be just the ministry you are looking for!

25 09, 2014

People Group Assessment

By |September 25th, 2014|Logistics, Projects|

Three hundred people group assessments are vital for the strategic placement of missionaries. Each assessment funded -- at an average cost of $4,500 each -- advances God's work. Please partner with us to see even one more people group assessment completed, so more tribes can be reached and more lives can be transformed.

25 08, 2014


By |August 25th, 2014|Uncategorized|

Get ready ... GO! PREPARE FOR THE CHALLENGE. Get the training you need to be a missionary to some [...]

25 08, 2014

Our Heritage

By |August 25th, 2014|Uncategorized|

Ethnos Canada is steadfast in its goal of reaching people who have no access to the gospel. That was the [...]

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