International Day for the Unreached
Pray for the ministries that are reaching the unreached.
Pray for the ministries that are reaching the unreached.
“We've talked about Kaje and how the gospel was heard for the first time there in December 2019. Many people believed. But now so many are asking questions and trying to figure out what this new life looks like."
Learn more about reaching the Indigenous peoples in Canada. Sign up to receive [...]
Establishing thriving churches among the Indigenous peoples in Canada Sign up for updates [...]
May 5, 2020 EPISODE 20 | Women in Church History with Dr. Michael Haykin Today we are talking with [...]
It’s been said that people don’t learn from experiences alone; they learn from reflecting on those experiences. Missionaries have a lot of new experiences and unexpected challenges that require time and space, along with a caring and listening ear, to adequately process and even grow from them.
Download Resources May 5 Women in Church History Cards Download and Print [...]
It is just a little bird, the R66 helicopter. It only weighs 1,270 pounds. So how could it possibly carry 10,000 pounds of cargo plus 14 passengers in one day? In November 2019, the R66 in Mindanao, Philippines, did just that.
"Since our last update, we finished Nehemiah and have been working our way through the rest of Isaiah. This is not an easy book to translate. Thank you for praying."