A Man with No Hope
Elvio had a rough life, and dished out as much as he got. So guess what he did when he heard foundational Bible teaching?
Elvio had a rough life, and dished out as much as he got. So guess what he did when he heard foundational Bible teaching?
Shane Cateriny's ministry is not simply working on a building. It's making sure there's a place fit for training people to take God's Word to unreached people.
NTM Aviation's personnel, two airplanes and one helicopter are in position to assist typhoon victims on remote islands.
An approaching tropical depression could disrupt flights and relief efforts
Small aircraft and helicopter are ideal for reaching remote locations
Bible translator Kevin Case needs a number of Northern Tepehuans who can make time to help him make a good translation in their language.
More Kunas will be able to read the complete Bible in their language when it is complete in 2013 because a literacy program has been fully funded.
With the help of a short-term mission team and a Paraguayan businessman, they finished a building to meet in.
Leigh and Lea Betts are thankful that their Pwo Karen friends are willing to talk with them about their culture, including topics they may not think about much.