Featured Article

Moi people

In Planting a Church, Cultivating the Soil Matters

The Moi people presented huge challenges. But God used the humility and perseverance of the missionary team, and last year, elders were appointed.

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More In This Issue

  • Bumani and missionary

Bumani’s Testimony

November 1st, 2016|Comments Off on Bumani’s Testimony

"Before [I knew the Creator God], I was very afraid of evil spirits...That’s how I used to live; that’s how I used to think."

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  • Tribal and missionary Children

Dividing the Work, Multiplying the Effort

November 1st, 2016|Comments Off on Dividing the Work, Multiplying the Effort

How does a missionary family living on a remote island care for the education and socialization needs of their four daughters? … Not by themselves.

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  • Moi Men and Children

In Planting a Church, Cultivating the Soil Matters

November 1st, 2016|Comments Off on In Planting a Church, Cultivating the Soil Matters

The Moi people presented huge challenges. But God used the humility and perseverance of the missionary team, and last year, elders were appointed.

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  • NTM missionaries with African man

Be an Ambassador

November 1st, 2016|Comments Off on Be an Ambassador

Paul could have called us ‘representatives,’ but he didn’t.

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  • Awayo hut

Editor’s Letter

November 1st, 2016|Comments Off on Editor’s Letter

In their desire to grow in their faith and be better parents, Awayo and Simi did something that had never been done in their people group.

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  • the Poidevin family

John & Krista Poidevin

January 25th, 2016|Comments Off on John & Krista Poidevin

John and Krista are part of the South East Africa team serving in Tanzania.

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An Update on the Connection Centre

The strategic value of the Connection Centre at Emanate, ETHNOS Canada’s missionary training campus, is almost immeasurable because it affects so many people.

With its completion, the Connection Centre will have a lasting impact on the Lord’s work among unreached people groups, worldwide.

Big building. Big potential. Big opportunity.

Learn More

ETHNOS is now serving Canada’s First Peoples

The spiritual needs among Canada’s Aboriginal people are great. In response to this need, God is opening doors for ETHNOS to partner with Northern Canada Evangelical Mission (NCEM) to develop thriving churches within Canada’s First Nations and Inuit communities

We are calling this partnership FirstStory Ministries.

Incredible momentum is already building around adapting ETHNOS’ church planting and discipleship curriculum for use within these communities.

Please be praying for FirstStory Ministries. Our desire is to walk with the Lord in this new venture.

Visit firststoryministries.ca