The Malaumanda believers are growing and are excited about receiving the translated books of the Bible.

They are now reviewing the book of Romans and have just finished chapter seven. But the difficult thing is to internalize the truth of transformation. God wants to change more than our position and our understanding of Him, He wants to make us into a new person.

“In other translation news,” missionary Eric Hedeen wrote, “I am currently doing the final clean-up work on Romans and 1 Timothy. Actually, of late, this has been a full team activity. John Hutteman has been doing the back translation for my translation and then doing a thorough check as to the content of the translation. A back translation is done by translating the Malaumanda translation back into English so that the consultant can have something to evaluate before we actually sit down together. This is a bit of a complicated process that I won’t try to describe in total.

“Needless to say John has been very busy helping out with that and his wife Christina has been doing the content checking for 1 Timothy. Working together as a team is such a blessing. We have until the middle of next week in order to get everything buttoned up so pray that I can stay focused. The exciting thing about finishing translation, of course, is that we then get to print it up and hand it out to the believers.”

Pray for Eric and the team working on translating the Scriptures into the Malaumanda language. Pray that they will stay focused and that the complicated process of translation will result in more of the Word to bless our Malaumanda brothers and sisters.