A Foreign Message

Imagine that you’re visiting another country. You hear the gospel message for the first time — though in another language. You understand it. You believe it. And now you want your family to know the same redeeming truth. You want to take them there to sit under the same teaching — but they aren’t bilingual like you are. What do you do?

Moving a Village

An Iski village.

An Iski village.

Could you convince your family and friends to move there, learn another language, and listen to that same life-changing message?

That’s exactly what three men from the Iski people group did.

After listening to several months of foundational, chronological Bible teaching under NTM missionaries, these men went home to their village. “

[They convinced] their immediate families to leave their homes, gardens and livelihoods, and relocate to a little hamlet two hours from the village doing the teaching,” wrote Seth and Rochelle Callahan.

“Their intent was to learn the other language, so that they could hear and understand ‘God’s talk.’ After relocating though, they came to realize that learning another language isn’t an easy thing. … They weren’t learning the neighbouring language well enough to benefit them.”

So what now?

The Hope to Come

The Callahan family.

The Callahan family.

They didn’t give up.

“They began sending delegations to the group’s main church, asking them if they could get missionaries of their own,” the Callahans wrote.

And their petitions were answered! The Iski village now have missionaries of their own.
“The people … are hungry for the Word of God,” wrote Seth and Rochelle, evidenced by their willingness to help in whatever way to speed up the language-learning process. “Our hope is to be ready to present the story of redemption by the summer of 2016.”

Pray for the Williamson and Tousch families as they are already deep into learning language and culture. Pray for Seth and Rochelle as they are currently in the USA for the birth of their third child, with plans to be in the village by October. And pray for the Iski people as they wait to hear the gospel message.

Read the Callahans’ blog post …