A missionary says good-bye and prays for God to finish His work in the Siawi people.
Linda Krieg, missionary to the Siawi people for many years, is saying good-bye.
“This month brings me to my final good-byes to my Siawi friends. … Yes, it will be hard,” Linda admits. “But I know that the same God Who led Abraham, Moses, Paul and so many others … will lead and guide His Siawi children as they continue to walk with Him, strengthened by His Spirit.”
On this final trip back to Papua New Guinea, Linda flew fully loaded with a miscellaneous assortment of items that needed to travel with her, including new pictures to go along with the chronological Bible teaching, printed in vivid color on waterproof paper.
The Siawi believers will be standing increasingly on their own as missionaries step away from the Siawi church. They will now “understand more clearly the role of missionaries,” Linda says. “We are not here to bring their lifestyle up to the western standard of living. It would not be good for their spiritual development, even if it could be done.”
Linda explains that her role as a missionary is and has been to faithfully teach and live out for the Siawi people God’s truth that spiritual growth and transformation are not about what happens on the outside, but are about heart change and repentance that are ongoing works of God’s Spirit in the lives of His children.
Linda knows that the Siawi believers, just like all believers, have some trials ahead. “They’ll have their spiritual struggles and battles, but our God is enough!” she affirms.
Looking back over the years of her ministry in Papua New Guinea since 1986, Linda is full of thanks to God for many prayer partners that have “provided solid prayer support down through the years.”
She knows full well the great significance of prayer in effectiveness of ministry and she is deeply grateful for “the blanket of prayer that has surrounded and covered … each step of the journey.”
Linda says she is “awaiting the trumpet sound. Only in Heaven,” she says, “will we see the full roll call of all who have been involved in bringing God’s Word to the Siawi people.”
“No matter what is in store for me, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever,” writes Linda. “What a day of rejoicing that will be as we join hands with the Siawi believers in eternity!”
By the grace of God, Linda Krieg—working beside a long list of faithful co-workers—has invested many years in teaching and loving the Siawi people. It has made a huge difference for eternity. Pray for the Siawi church as it continues to grow in Christ in new ways.
Consider whether God is calling you to invest your life in bringing a clear presentation of the gospel to people who are—right now—waiting to hear it. Find opportunities.