The Corner Is Turned!

Taylor and Abby Goheen and Jon and Jen Myers minister to the Kaje people of Papua New Guinea. They are getting very close to the time when they will be able to present the Good News of Jesus Christ to the Kaje people.

Taylor said, “It is times like this that cause [us] to reflect on the great privilege it is to bring the message of the Son to a people. We have turned a corner here in the work, and the excitement is growing. We have been communicating to the people in the village that later this year … we will begin teaching them God’s Message. And what corner have we turned? We have begun writing the lessons that will be our teaching notes. We want to make sure that when we stand up and teach, it is done in a natural and clear manner. To do this, we needed help.”

The Needed Help Is Here

“We did not just want anyone,” Taylor continued. “They would be hearing the gospel taught before anyone in the village. We wanted people who have displayed a humble attitude over the past few years. We also were looking for people who have shown an interest in hearing what God has to say in the Bible.”

Jon added, “Meet Mbinge, Jepun and Nggomo. These three guys [are] being systematically taught Bible lessons by Taylor and me. After being taught, they then work to write word for word Bible lessons with us in their language. This means they often sit with us for over eight hours in the office! These Bible lessons, when finished, will make up the evangelistic Bible narrative that we will teach to the entire village later this year … from Creation to Christ to the restoration of all things.”

The Kajes’ Words

Is there any reaction to the lessons? Does the Word of God have power? Jon said yes there is, and he shares what the men are saying.

Jepun (at the end of the story of Cain and Abel): “Taylor, I am in big trouble. How do I get rid of my sin?”

Jon: “Nggomo, if we write it like that about Cain, will it come across too harsh to the village when they hear it?”

Nggomo “’No Jon. You have to understand: our heads are thick. You have to write it like that so it will split their thick heads open, and then they will be like, ‘True, true, we are murderers just like Cain. We are in big trouble.’”

Please keep praying for the Goheens and Myers as they begin teaching the Word of God to the Kaje people. Pray, too, for Nggomo, Jepun and Mbinge that they would understand the Word as they hear it and work on the lesson.

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