Benjamin and Missy Hatton minister among the Amdu people of Papua New Guinea. “We continue to work hard to provide the food that these baby believers need. The book of Romans is being translated by our co-worker. Pray for him as he uses up the last weeks of his time in Amdu before going on home assignment to get more of that epistle translated. Missy is translating Ephesians and enjoying the in-depth study and challenge of the translating process. Pray that she’ll have wisdom and that the Amdu ladies she works with will be able to help her make good progress when we get back to the village. One of our goals for this year is to see significant growth in the reading abilities of each hungry believer. We aren’t limiting our focus to just the believers. Anyone with interest can participate in [the] literacy program. Our desire, though, is for the believers to become better readers so that they can begin feeding themselves confidently from God’s word. They already prize the portions of Scripture we have provided for them in their heart language. Pray that we can, with their help, produce more material for them to practice with to get them up to the level where they can take the Scripture and read it on their own proficiently. Here is a short video showing how this lady is progressing. The testimonies … have been encouraging. [They] show us how much the Holy Spirit is working to establish these baby believers in their faith in Jesus Christ alone for their salvation. Continue to pray for them. Here is a short video testimony from one couple who has eagerly drunk in every word we have been teaching.”

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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