Can you believe it really happened? God has provided!

Stand amazed with us at the goodness of the Lord! He has provided funds for Ethnos360 Aviation to purchase the first of three Robinson R66 helicopters for Papua New Guinea (PNG)!

We asked you to pray. And it’s obvious that, though COVID-19 and the economic shutdowns stopped many things right in their tracks, it did not stop prayer – and it did not stop God!

Praise His name — “the God who provides.” Give thanks for His graciousness. Despite world events that seemed to make this project impossible, God worked through you, His people, to provide the first R66 for Papua New Guinea.

A few months ago, Ethnos360 Aviation placed the order for the R66 — a brand new one in order to get the very latest 200-lb upgrade for sling load capacity, so crucial for delivering heavy cargo to isolated locations. We’ll let you know as soon as it arrives at our aviation centre in McNeal, AZ. Once it’s here, our team will swing into action, getting it field-ready by adding radios, floats and trim paint. After doing some flight training, the R66 will be crated and shipped off to Papua New Guinea.

More than a dozen church planting teams that rely solely on the helicopter will welcome the R66 to the PNG aviation fleet. Without helicopter service, they cannot feasibly bring the gospel to new groups like the Maliyali, Kovol and Lembena, nor can they shepherd believers in other groups to the point of having a thriving church. Helicopter service is a non-negotiable in PNG’s vertical landscapes.

The Wantakia people group would agree! They just heard the culmination of the Good News in August of 2020. Finally, they have hope! As one said, “I am a sinner. I can’t help myself. [Jesus] took our sin and got rid of them by dying on the cross. When the veil [of the temple] tore, it opened the road to go to God, through Jesus. I believe!” With tears, another said, “Jesus took all my sin away, all of it! I used to be in Satan’s clan, but now I’m in God’s!”

The Wantakia were waiting years for this message. And they’d still be waiting if missionaries couldn’t get to them. The LongRanger helicopter provided workable access and kept the team supplied through five years of language, culture, translation and teaching. But the LongRanger is 41 years old and needs replacements to take over.

Now with the first R66 provided, we humbly trust God for the next two R66s to fully replace – and surpass – the ministry capability of the LongRanger.

Thanks for your part in praying and helping to make “Three Helicopters for PNG” a reality!

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