The Yao Church

Anthony and Jennie Chee have ministered among the Yao people group of northern Mozambique since 2007. Chronological foundational teaching began in 2014, and from that initial teaching, the Yao church was born. The desire has always been to have the Yao continue the outreach to their own people. And that process has begun.

Pushing the Edge

From the first group of believers has sprung the first crop of native-tongue teachers. Anthony said, “Our idea is to have them do the teaching, with us supporting in the background, and  …  if there is another group of believers, they will in turn train the next group of teachers, and we will be out of the picture altogether!”

But it hasn’t been an easy road to travel with the new teachers. They commented, “Since we started teaching God’s Word, there has been much opposition. … A few would even come to the teachings in order to disrupt the meetings and threaten those who are listening to the Word of God. But lately we sense that they themselves are thinking about what they have been hearing and asking probing questions for themselves.”

The Power of Prayer

“A person in the village who professes faith in Jesus Christ as His Saviour is like a fish in a fishbowl. His every action is being watched by everyone, just waiting for an opportunity to discredit him. But at the same time, the changes wrought by God in that person’s life are an incredible testimony of the power of God at work.

“Please pray for the believers here. Pray for strength and perseverance in time of persecution and that they will continue to choose to do what they know is pleasing to God. Please continue to uphold the Bible teachers. Pray for the villagers, many of whom are afraid of stepping forward even though they believe God’s Word. Pray for us, for physical stamina and for Godly wisdom to encourage the teachers and to handle each situation that arises.”

Encourage the Chees with a Note Today