Embracing the Gospel

“It’s a privilege to sit under the teaching of this godly man, learning how to communicate our Father’s truth more clearly in a completely different cultural context,” wrote Imie Mark III, NTM Aviation mechanic.

Before you draw the wrong conclusion, this wasn’t a Western Bible teacher that Imie was talking about. He was referring to Bonn, a Papua New Guinean who in recent years embraced the gospel message after sitting under foundational Bible teaching. And now? He’s teaching those same lessons at the hangar to both missionaries and nationals alike.

And he’s having an impact.


Imie wrote that after hearing the teaching, “some of the folks eagerly accepted the initial teaching from creation to Christ, but the harsh realities of life in this area and long-held beliefs steeped in animism have left them with some tough issues still to be worked through.”

But that doesn’t deter Bonn. Imie writes that Bonn is “not only incredibly passionate about God’s Word, but also has an unquenchable thirst to see his people have the opportunity to hear and respond to the matchless gospel of grace.”

Even now he is positioning himself to continue doing just that.

The Road Ahead

“It won’t be an easy or popular road to walk,” Imie wrote.

Bonn is leaving a comfortable position working with NTM Aviation in order to partner with believers back in his home area to teach foundational Bible lessons in areas where church buildings exist, but the Church is absent.

Pray for Bonn as he travels this not-so-easy and not-so-popular road.