God’s Word Taught …

Iski Church and believers

The Iski church has been born!

The missionary team taught the Iski people every day for 3 1/2 months. They wrapped up with a four-hour lesson on the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. The Iski heard how Christ’s payment satisfied God’s judgment of sin and opened the door for them to new life in Him. That afternoon they listened again via digital recordings of the morning lessons.

Testimonies of New Believers …

Iski believers and children

The next lesson told about Christ going back to Heaven and promising to return again, followed by a time for thoughts from the community. Read some of the wonderful testimonies of these new believers:

“I believe that this is true. I was a sinner since I was born. I was born under Satan’s clan. Yesterday, I heard the story of the Savior who died for me, and I believed it. Jesus died and said to his father, ‘Why did you forsake me?’ I understand what that means, and I’m healed from my sin.” – Makoleta

“God suffered and carried my pain. Before, we heard the story of Jesus healing the blind man. I was blind, but yesterday my eyes were opened.” – Rudolph

“We have heard the stories and that we are separated from God. John the Baptist, when he saw Jesus, he said ‘Here is God’s lamb.’ Yesterday, we heard the story of the Savior who died for us. It was big for me. God had mercy on us and came down to save us. He took our sin. He took MY sin. He was separated from God for me.” – Avara

… and More Testimonies.

“If I don’t believe, the separation between God and me will stay when I die, but I believe that this talk is true and that I am saved.” – Greg

“I heard the story of the Savior that died for me. God is love and sent his Son to save us, to save me. I understood that God died for me. God sent Jesus to save Boni. God bought me back from Satan’s clan.” – Boni

“It is true for me, the Savior came, a lamb without spot died for me.” – Bnaga

Please continue to pray for the Iski church as the missionaries continue to translate the Scriptures and disciple the believers over the coming years.

read updates from the iski team