Another group of North Waghis are hearing God’s story from Creation to Christ.
The North Wahgi missionary team will soon reach the end of the foundational Bible lesson series that presents God’s story chronologically from Creation to Christ.
Missionaries Daniel and Rachel Hulley have seen positive signs of growth in some new believers. Mara, Kujin, Janet and Wirol are showing signs of the Holy Spirit working in their lives and making them more aware of the others who need to trust Christ.
“They are being transformed from the inside out,” said Daniel.
Several North Wahgis meet every Sunday and listen to the teaching. Anna, Cecelia, Cathy, Kara, Bee and Wero are avidly awaiting “the rest of the story.” Pray that they will trust Christ as their Saviour when they hear the great news of His resurrection.
Four of the believers, Wirol, Mara, Stephen and David, are helping with the services each Sunday. They each take a part of the worship service and Janet helps Rachel prepare Sunday School lessons. Twenty kids usually come to hear the lessons.
On Wednesdays Daniel is going through the book of Acts with the believers. Several are beginning to see their responsibility to witness to others. They are also thinking about baptism but have not made a decision yet.
Please pray for Daniel and Rachel as they shepherd and grow the believers and are teaching Firm Foundation lessons to those who have not yet trusted Christ.
Pray too that the group who are listening to the lessons will desire to know the miracle-working Saviour who died and was resurrected.
You too can teach the Bible clearly to your neighbors. Go to the bookstore for Firm Foundation Bible lessons.