The initial response to Bible teaching among the Tangguat people is outstanding.

The Bible teachers from the neighbouring Inapang people group, who have spent months teaching and even longer before that preparing, are in awe. “God has certainly prepared this place for Himself and His Word,” they told Tim Lanier, one of the NTM missionaries assisting them. “They are embracing it and believing it in such an amazing way. This is only God!”

One Tangguat woman remembered that early in the teaching, some wondered what they were going to do to pay God for their debt because of sin. After hearing this week about the death and resurrection of Christ, she said,

There is nothing we can do to bring ourselves back to God. It is God alone! Jesus came and died for our sins and it is only because of Him that we can come to God.

Another Tangguat said,

Jesus … is the one door to God. His blood was shed for us and if we believe in Him, then by that road we will come to God. He has completely erased all our sin and because of that I am so happy.

“We always thought that we could help ourselves and that we could stand on our good works,” said one more. “But now I have heard this story and I know that there is only one road  …. His blood was shed for our sins and He made one way, one door, for us to go through and it is that we must trust in Him.”

Others marvelled at Jesus suffering for us. “He had no debt with us and yet He did this completely on His own for us!” one man exclaimed.

Another summed up what many appear to be thinking. “We are so happy to hear this message!” he said. “That the way for us to come to God is open and that now as we believe in Him we can talk to Him. He hears us because our sins are paid for.”

“Please continue to pray for the Inapang church and for the newborn Tangguat church,” Tim Lanier and his wife, Tiffany, ask. “As you parents know, while pregnancy and labour are difficult, after the baby is born is when the real work begins.”

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