Romans and Ephesians…

As you read this, Bible translation consultants Wayne and Diane Baker are working with Rick and Anji Zook to check and finalize the translation of the books of Romans and Ephesians.

…Brings the New Testament to 36 Percent Completed.

You may remember Rick and Anji from last week. Together they assist the Mouk to reach the Lusi people in Papua New Guinea. And the main way that they assist is through the complex work of Bible translation. Romans and Ephesians marks eight books of the Bible completely translated plus others in progress. That brings it to 36 percent of the New Testament!

Romans Is Impacting Believers.

Rick recalled the impact of teaching Romans to the Lusi people earlier this year. He paraphrased one Lusi man’s testimony: “Wow, this stuff is new to me because I’ve heard it in Mouk, I’ve heard it in Melanesian Pidgin. I’m now hearing it in my heart language of Lusi. These are things about the Christian life, about the old man, about our new life in Christ that I never grasped, that I didn’t understand.”

Rick and Anji have a long road ahead of them as they desire to translate the entire Bible into Lusi. Pray for Rick and Anji as they continue to translate and for the Mouk missionaries as they keep teaching and discipling.