A Fading Dream…

As Chris and Maggie Hostetter’s year of home assignment progressed, they admitted their four years in Papua New Guinea seemed to dissolve from reality like a fading dream.

And suddenly, they were back in Papua New Guinea.

…Becomes Reality

Pal People - PNG

The first few weeks back were spent at NTM’s centre surrounded by Americans in a comfortable house with modern conveniences. The fading dream remained just that. But a one-hour helicopter ride back to their home in the Pal village brought them from the dream abruptly back to reality.

“Crowds of people gathered to greet us and, as we saw faces and shook hands, their names slowly poured back into our memories,” wrote Chris and Maggie Hostetter. “We haltingly greeted and conversed with them, attempting to quickly erase thirteen months without hearing or speaking much Pal.”

Back to Work

Pal People - PNG

“It is good to be back among our Pal friends and continuing the work here of seeing them grow in their understanding and love of Christ,” wrote Chris and Maggie. “We have jumped right into discipleship, teaching and translating, along with the continued schooling of our own kids.”

Pray for the Hostetters through this transition.