What Was

After 45 years serving in Colombia, it was strange for Mark and Joyce Cain to think that they would now settle down in America. But they weren’t really settling down, at least not yet. Looking to retirement the following year, there was much work they still wanted to accomplish. 

Mark continued to translate Scripture, planning to return to Colombia for two months later in 2019 to do a translation check on those final portions. The Guahibo Bible (complete New Testament and portions of the Old Testament) would then be ready to be formatted and sent to the printers. 

That was the plan. 

Mark Cain at a Guahibo Bible study

What Is

And then life changed. In late November, Mark was diagnosed with a fast-growing non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Chemo started in December and will continue for four and a half months. 

“We as a family are reeling and wondering what God is doing,” Joyce wrote. But they are still trusting Him. And I love what she asks prayer for because it shows where their hearts are.
“If he is able to endure these six sessions, there is a 40 to 50 percent chance it will go into remission. Pray with us that this remission would occur. Join us in prayer that God would enable us to do the final two-month check in Colombia in the late summer or Fall of 2019.”

That is still the plan.

Guahibo man studying the Bible

What Is to Come

That may be a big ask, but we have a big God. We have the God of the impossible.

And though Mark and Joyce don’t claim to understand, they’re definitely still trusting Him — whatever the outcome. 

Joyce wrote, “I will accept what God will do in the end, no matter what. I will be giving God the glory.”

But they’re still asking for prayer and for an answer to prayer that includes remission. Joyce wrote, “Mark’s desire is that God’s people pray for a miracle at this time. You know, because we have been missionaries for 45 years, we are privileged to have a huge host of prayers going up for us around the world!”

And they would appreciate your prayers being added to that huge host. Read Mark and Joyce’s updates and pray for them, that the cancer would go into remission, and that the translation would be completed. 

Pray that the plan comes to pass!

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