Missionary Jared Young just crossed one thing off his bucket list.

“Ever move to Thailand with a family of four?” he asks, and then continues, “Ever experience such a life-changing event that it caused you to step out in faith without knowing what God had next for you?”

Jared writes that 14 hours into their flight, the finality of leaving home hit him. He wasn’t sure if it was missing home, friends and family. Or if it was fear about moving his family so far away from comfort and security.

But the departure left him feeling a lot of emotion and vulnerability. Feeling very overwhelmed there on the plane, Jared did the only thing he could do. He prayed. And that led to worship. And then he remembered Christ’s provision on the cross, and the Holy Spirit Who dwelled in him. In that moment God gave Jared a lot of peace and powerfully reassured him of His Hand in this move to Thailand.

Jared shares that prayer can accomplish far more than we can comprehend. And he adds, “Whoever prayed for us to have a smooth and completely easy check-in, God answered your prayers. Whoever prayed that all of our stuff would arrive without blemish, God answered your prayers. Whoever prayed, period; thank you! You have been instrumental in preparing the way for us to move to Thailand with hardly a hitch in the transition … from the bottom of our hearts, thank you.”

Thank God for answering prayer in bringing the Young family safely to Thailand. Pray for Jared and Jessica Young and their family as they adjust to the changes and begin their culture and language studies. Pray that God will continue to provide for their health as well as their support and that He will encourage them mightily in these beginning months of their ministry.