Prayer Points for This Week

Monday: Ryan and Cathren Hundertmark are feeling out of their element. All that was normal is no more. “Living in Senegal has completely changed my understanding of normal,” Ryan wrote. The paradox is that, in the midst of all the change, they serve an unchanging God. Would you pray for Ryan and Cathren as they adjust to a new normal? Read the whole story …

Tuesday: “One night last week I was awoken … when I heard the pitter patter of little feet in the ceiling directly above me. … It is amazing how a small rat can sound like a 20-pound cat when it is in the ceiling. It is hard to go back to sleep when it starts chewing into things that are stored up there and the chewing sound is echoing throughout the room. As I lay in bed I uttered a simple prayer in my mind, ‘God, strike that rat dead please.’ About a minute later, I heard the unmistakably loud snap of the trap just above my head. ‘Thank you Lord,’ I said. You see, God cares about the little things, so we know we can also trust Him with the big things.” Pray for missionaries Levi and Robin Lenz as they trust God with the little and big challenges in their lives. Read Levi and Robin’s latest update …

Wednesday: Sometimes answers to prayer don’t materialize until the last moment. Aaron and Amy Speitelsbach have experienced that firsthand. “At last we got everything back together to return to Liberia for another term,” they wrote. “Our passports came back from the Liberian embassy the very morning we left the USA!” Read their latest update …

Thursday: “It has not gone unnoticed by Judy and me that our post middle age bodies are beginning to show the wear and tear of life,” wrote Bible translator James Burdett on their blog. Likewise, their equipment on the field is wearing out as well. Some of their equipment is more than 20 years old and limping along, requiring time for maintenance that pulls them away from translating the Bible. Could you pray with them for the finances needed for a new solar panel system, backup generator and efficient 12-volt refrigerator? And if the Lord touches your heart to contribute, you can learn how by clicking here. Read more …

Friday: “The Wahgi people, like many of us, have had years of practice in doing the wrong thing and handling conflict in a wrong and unbiblical manner,” wrote Levi and Robyn Lenz. They ask for prayer for two Wahgi people in conflict. “Pray for these individuals to have a sensitive heart as we try to point them to Scripture and restore them.” Read their blog post …