
A Southeast African Update

A while back, we were able to take a trip out to one of the ministries among the Kokola people group. We went to encourage, take supplies and help our coworkers a little. Though it was short, we came away encouraged by the work they are doing there. They have a printed translation of the New Testament with Old Testament portions. They are continuing the translation of some of the missing books in the Old Testament and are helping the Kokolas learn to read and study God’s Word. They were joined by two Mozambican couples from the Lolo people group with whom they had ministered before.

These are exciting times. In addition to the teaching among the Yao people group and the ongoing translation and teaching among the Mwinika people group, our team among the Maindo people group has been given the green light to begin literacy, Bible translation and preparation of the evangelism lessons in that language. Please be praying for these ministries. We are here to help make sure they are not distracted from the work they are doing in the villages. We want the urgency of God’s Word in the people’s heart language to move forward. [Editor’s Note: In light of the current pandemic, much of these plans have had to be put on hold as we are careful to stay within COVID-19 guidelines.]
— Pete and Charity Rogers

In another part of Southeast Africa, there have been some difficulties in obtaining the proper permits to live and minister there. Please be praying for those affected by those permit changes. Pray that God’s leading will be evident to them as they plan their next ministry location.

Ethnos Canada missionary, Matt Gunther teaching new missionaries in a classroom

Missionary Training Update

Emanate, the missionary training program of Ethnos Canada, is excited to accept 13 students into our training this fall—10 Canadians and three Americans. Many details about this fall semester will look different; students and staff will have to adapt as we seek to facilitate in-person classes and discipleship while taking precautions in the face of this ever-changing COVID-19 pandemic. Our three international students will likely arrive late, temporarily attending classes online while they wait for visas and permission to enter Canada.

Amidst many changes and a healthy dose of uncertainty, two facts remain clear. First, making disciples of all nations is still Jesus Christ’s explicit mandate, not merely our idea. Second, His messengers still need to be equipped to push through obstacles and make the precious gospel clear to a desperate and needy world.

Please join us in praying for Emanate’s incoming students and their families as they uproot and move to Durham, that they would have vision, stamina and health to complete the training.

Apply to Be Equipped Today


The Guahibo Translation Trail

Mark and Joyce Cain have ministered for 46 years in Colombia among the Guahibo people group. As they retired from the field, they came back to the USA with the completed translation of the New Testament and portions of the Old Testament to get to the formatter and then on to the printer. They also left behind a small church in the village of Raya and a dozen Guahibo missionaries to continue the work. Before the Scriptures could be printed, a wrinkle appeared: cancer in Mark’s body. But this is what they wrote: “Today is a day of rejoicing! The Guahibo [Scriptures are] all ready to be formatted then on to the print shop! God graciously used us … in church planting and Bible translation, in spite of [civil unrest], sicknesses and now cancer; we give God the glory for allowing us to finish the translation project! It took a team of expatriate and Guahibo missionaries to accomplish this. Thank you for the part you have had in praying and giving to see all this come to conclusion!” At the time of this printing, the manuscript had not been completely ready for the printer in Colombia. In the first days of May, Mark was called Home to Heaven, but he left behind a legacy of diligence and faithfulness. Praise God for His faithfulness to Mark and his co-translators. Please continue to pray for the Cain family. Pray too for the final steps to seeing the Guahibo Scriptures printed.