Greg and Heidi Greenlaw minister as area coordinators for the Sepik region in Papua New Guinea. “Who knew 2020 was going to be so amazing? That may come across as sarcastic, but I really mean it. The world is getting nastier by the minute, but God’s redemptive plan is also pushing ahead before our very eyes. I feel like we’ve been given a front-row seat to some truly miraculous stuff. The year began with our team in Kaje presenting the gospel for the first time and many embracing Christ as their Saviour. In June, the Pei people heard. Last week the ‘greatest news of all time’ came to the Amdu people. Because this team is so isolated from cell reception, I recorded 10-minute interviews with them over our HF radio, and their home church posted them online.” Listen to the interviews.

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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