Activity and excitement are building in the community where Dave and Fran Jordan work.
As spring turns into summer it’s common to hear the background whine of weed eaters and mowers in Prai villages where Dave and Fran Jordan live and work.
Vines, weeds and shrubs are blooming. Fruit on the trees and produce in the garden is abundant.
There is excitement that new NTM co-workers will arrive soon as well.
There are Prai men learning to teach the Word as they read and organize lessons. More are making a break with their spirit traditions to come to the teaching that will ground them in the basics of the Gospel. Sharing and a good witness are evident among many.
The recorded lessons from Creation to Christ are on the MP3 players where they can be solar charged and are used in the fields. Dave is busy putting lessons and songs on phone cards so they can be heard on cell phones.
“We thank the Lord for His work in the lives of some of the Prai young people,” Fran writes. Being difficult at any age and in any culture to stand up for your faith, it’s especially true in Thailand.
Two of the believers are thrilled to have a year to study a yearlong Bible course offered at a centre run by NTM, while others get good Christian fellowship and teaching where they are in a nurses’ aid course.
Those involved as coffee interns receive discipleship training if they desire and some are beginning to share at their worship services.
One couple who travel to another village to teach God’s Word has a young son who’s willing to stay home alone and go to school responsibly and faithfully even showing concern for his friends’ spiritual condition.
While there is praise, “for His work in the hearts and lives of Prai young people,” Fran and Dave are, “concerned for those who go far from home to work.”
Let’s “Give to the Lord the glory due His name,” as we are told in Psalm 96:8.
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