One Family of Believers

After the evangelistic Bible teaching to the Tangguats, the Inapang believers involved in the outreach returned to their home village for a short break. “By the power of

[God’s] Spirit He enabled them to reach across language borders and declare the Good News to yet another community,” wrote Tim and Tiffany Lanier. “Many times we heard them say ‘Now the Inapang and Tangguat believers are one family!’”

But this is not the end. Soon the Inapang teachers will return to continue the process of making disciples.

The Praise Continues

Tiffany’s dear friend, Stella, is excited. Being a bilingual Inapang believer whose mother is Tangguat and father is Inapang, she has extensive family in both language groups. To have them united in Christ brought Stella to tears of joy.

“Thank you,” she said to Tiffany. “And I am giving a big thank you to God because before my family was in darkness. But now they have heard God’s Word and they are believing. I am rejoicing now because later when we die we will all be in heaven together!”

Discipleship Continues

Would you pray for the ongoing discipleship? After nearly four months of daily teaching, the Bible teachers are taking a break to give the Tangguat people time to process all they have heard, as well as catch up on the work in their gardens. But on September 11, twice-weekly teaching sessions will begin and continue for five months.

“Pray for the Inapang believers as they continue to trust the Lord to use them as they teach and disciple these new believers, and pray for the Tangguat church as it grows in its infancy,” wrote Tim and Tiffany. “Please also pray for Nduan and Lusi … as they are considering moving over to live [with the] Tangguat in some way (either full or part-time) so they will be onsite and available for these new believers.” Would you partner in prayer with the Inapang and Tangguat churches?