Not an Adventure

David and Shari Ogg didn’t move around the globe in pursuit of an adventure — unless uprooting one’s family to live in a rustic location among a people with a totally different culture and language is considered an adventure.

However one views the hardships involved, the Oggs would say it was worth it. And so would one of the Simbari men working with them to translate Scripture into his language.

Thank You!

“I would like to say thanks to God for all the work of translating His talk into the Simbari language,” wrote one of the Oggs’ Simbari translation helpers. “Even though this work has been overwhelming for me sometimes and I have felt tired of doing it, the strength of God and the power of the Holy Spirit have been active in this work.”

He went on to thank David and Shari for being willing vessels of God to bring the gospel message to the Simbari people. He wrote, ““Before, I did not have the knowledge of God. … I am a fruit of the work that you did, and not just me but also many men and women who have trusted in the death and resurrection of Jesus and have become His children. We are all your fruit, and I want to say thanks for the work you have done.”

Not Yet Done

That’s the real reason behind the Oggs’ moving their family halfway around the globe: to position themselves where they saw the need. And it was definitely worth it.

But the work is not yet done. There remains Scripture to be translated, and the team presses on.

Pray for our Simbari brothers and sisters in Christ and for the team translating Scripture into the Simbari language.