The Reason for the Season

It’s Christmas Eve. Lights are flickering on the tree, reflecting off the presents beneath it. There’s eggnog in the refrigerator and fruitcake on the counter. Christmas music adds to the idyllic scene. But it’s the reason for the season that makes all the difference. It’s a celebration of the birth of my Saviour. But not everyone can say that.

Not Everyone Knows

Last year the Iski people of Papua New Guinea couldn’t say that. They didn’t know the Christ-child had come to earth to save them from their sins. They didn’t know the significance of Christmas.

But missionaries Jason and Nisae Williamson, André and Aurélie Tousch, and Seth and Rochelle Callahan had moved in among them. After years spent studying the Iski culture and language, the missionaries began teaching them foundational, chronological Bible lessons. The teaching began with Creation, and this past May, culminated with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

A First Christmas

This year is a different story. There are believers among the Iski people, and for the first time they understand what Christmas is all about. It’s about the birth of their Saviour. And that is something to celebrate!

We thank you for being part of writing this new story among the Iski people through your prayers. And we invite you to celebrate with us, to celebrate with the Iski church, to celebrate the birth of our Saviour.

Merry Christmas from your friends at Ethnos Canada!