Dem people gather to hear the gospel

Dem Bible Teaching

On January 11, 2021, the Dem people group of the Asia-Pacific region began hearing the chronological Bible teaching for the first time. Four missionary families began teaching Bible lessons five days a week for 13 weeks. On the first day, the Dem were so excited to come that they overflowed the building! After that, there were more than 400 daily attendees.

In mid-April, the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus was shared with the Dem. The Teall family wrote, “When the lesson ended, it was pretty anticlimactic. Everyone kind of just sat there, and then people got up and started to go home … Was this it??? Slowly, our team gathered in the teaching building, quietly waiting and wondering what God was doing. And then the most beautiful thing happened. Little groups of people started forming in the teaching building, waiting for someone on our team to come and talk. Quietly, people started asking questions and sharing their thoughts about the teaching. How special it was to sit and quietly listen to people share their hearts! There were several professions of faith that first day, and several people who were hungry but still had questions. [Over] the next few days, hours and hours were spent talking with people after the lessons. People we had prayed for over the years were wrestling with what Jesus had done for them on the cross! Our team was literally able to witness the scales fall from peoples’ eyes as they realized their sin and that only Jesus could pay the penalty for their sin. Hallelujah, what a Saviour!”

The Kalanguya Bible

A translation which began in 1969 in the Kalanguya language of the Philippines is now complete — 5050 copies of the entire Kalanguya Bible! The New Testament, along with Genesis and Exodus, was first published in 1983. After that, a much needed second printing of the Revised New Testament was published in 2001, updated to reflect language changes and better spiritual understanding on the part of the believers. Work on the Old Testament was then taken on by the Kalanguya Translation Team with the original translator, Bob Ambrosius, as their mentor and consultant. Praise God that it was finished and at the printers by the fall of 2019. It was intended to be off the press by March 2020, but COVID-19 issues delayed printing and restricted the distribution of the completed Bible. It was finally in their hands by July 2020! Faithful Kalanguya church leaders planned the dedications of the Bible in several key locations so that all of the more than 33 churches would have a part. Praise God for all He has done over the years and that the Kalanguya people have God’s Word in their own language!

Banwaon Baptisms

Years ago, the Banwaon people of the Philippines received the gospel. Since then, many Banwaon have believed in Jesus and have spread the gospel to other villages in their area. Now they lead several of their own churches while Australian missionaries Albert and Lynne work on discipleship and Bible translation. Recently, the believers decided to have baptisms. Interested believers were thoroughly taught and interviewed to ensure they had a clear understanding of the gospel and baptism. But the baptisms were delayed because of COVID-19. Finally, as restrictions lessened and more people were prepared, the Banwaon baptized, not one, but 99 believers! Celebrate with us the evidence of 99 individuals’ faith in Jesus and the growing maturity of their church.

News from the Akolet People

Missionaries Adam and Julie Martin recently reported some good news concerning the Akolet people in Papua New Guinea. They wrote:

“Two young women, Rau and Feli, were each being taught from creation to Christ. Wait for it — both have now placed their faith in Christ! Praise God! Please pray for these two young ladies to be grounded in their faith.

Do you remember back in 2016 when we had a break-in to our house? Wait for it — one of the thieves, a young man, recently approached the Bible teachers and said he wants to hear the same teaching Rau and Feli did. Wow! Please pray for his salvation!”