Paska and Robin shared God’s story with more of their people.

Last week a group of Tigak people heard the final lesson in the chronological Firm Foundation Bible study series.

Paska and Robin, two Tigak Bible teachers, have been teaching two foundational lessons every Sunday for many months now. This is the first time the Tigak Bible teachers have taught through the lessons completely on their own.

It appears that Popot, Tamal, Gava. Sagapan and Marta have all understood and believed in the finished work of Christ to pay the penalty for their sins.

Aimee Hedrick and Beth Carlton went over Sunday’s lesson with the ladies each Wednesday. The ladies read the Scriptures together and asked questions. They were so thankful that they began to understand God’s Word. Sagapan and Marta and others have shared how they have heard stories their whole lives and have even gone to church, but never understood God’s Word. The chronological teaching has helped them to put the pieces together.

Paska, one of the Tigak men who did the teaching, wanted to send his sincere gratitude and thanks to all who prayed for him and his brother, Robin, as they taught.

Missionary Aimee Hedrick asked that everyone continue to pray as they have not yet talked to all those who heard the lessons and are hoping that others have understood God’s message for them.