200 Pal People Hearing Gospel

On the 20th of August, Axel and Sandra Fachner started teaching 65 chronological Bible lessons. Please pray for the 200 Pal men and women in Papua New Guinea who are coming with their children.

Read more about Pal people group

15 Simbari People Baptised

One of 15 Simbari people of Papua New Guinea baptised, Rindila, said: “I say thanks to God for sending His Son Jesus to do the work for me. I am very sinful. So, knowing that what Jesus did was great, I say a big thank you to God. This baptism will not wash away my sins. Only by trusting in Christ will my sins be washed away.” Please pray for these new believers.

Read more about the baptism

Kodiak #2 for Papua New Guinea

Within months of God providing the first of three kodiak airplanes needed for the field of Papua New Guinea, God has provided a second. Please pray for the next step: outfitting this Kodiak for use in tribal church planting.

Read more about 2nd Kodiak airplane

Powerful Last Words from Moi Believer

On his death bed, Dimapatai told his family, “I am not about to go anywhere but Heaven. To go anywhere else is not possible. I’m going to Heaven. Don’t think that I’m going somewhere else. Don’t be nervous or afraid for me. There are not two paths for me. I am going to to be with Jesus.” Praise the Lord for this example to the Moi people of Asia-Pacific.

Watch Dimapatai’s Powerful Testimony

Budik New Testament Nearly Ready to Print

Please pray for Ken and Kathy Satorius in Senegal with the Budik. They are working on final adjustments to the New Testament to prepare it for printing.

Read more from Senegal