Four new brothers in Christ in Papua New Guinea

Aimee Hedrick writes, “Thanks for the many prayers offered up as the little group of Tigaks heard the Gospel last week! God has heard them, and has used His Spirit through the teaching of His word to draw a few more Tigaks to Himself! I am privileged to share with you that we have at least four new brothers in Christ! These four young men (at least – hopefully, and possibly, there are a couple more men and women; we’ll know more as we check in with individuals) have understood the gift of God’s grace in sending His son to die on their behalf and have trusted in that as the payment for their sin. We are so excited and thankful! Let’s join the angels in giving praise to God for saving these guys!”

Learn more about what God is doing among the Tigak people

waterproof Bibles have arrived

Linda Krieg writes, “Yes, the Siawi waterproof Bibles have arrived, both in Sanford, Florida, USA, and in Papua New Guinea (PNG)!  While our Siawi brothers and sisters will have to wait, before they get a chance to handle them, at least the Bibles have landed at Lae, PNG, and are just waiting for a ride to Wewak. From there, they’ll need a further boost, to get all the way in to Siawi. Your prayers can help provide that boost, as they call on the power of our great God.”

Read more about what God is doing among the Siawi people

Gospel Lessons being taught in the Philippines

The church planting team serving among the Manobo people of the Philippines have begun teaching foundational Bible lessons.

Grant & Marianne Bayfield write, “For four years we have built up to and waited for this day, expressing God’s love for them first through medical, economic, and educational helps. The people in our

village have been asking for some months now for us to start teaching them God’s message — they have seen in our lives that we do what we say, and that we help them in every way that we can. … the last four years seem to have been planned by the Lord. With the extra time, the Manobos’ trust in us has developed, and our relationships with them have deepened. …

“In the first two lessons, we’ve introduced them to the Bible as God’s message to them, and given them a basic description of who God is. They were amazed and awed to learn how God is everywhere all the time.”

Learn more about what God is doing among the Manobo people