New Video: Help the Gospel Take Off

Wana missionaries hike to remote villages to share the Gospel. Watch this video to learn how you can help missionaries like the Wanas through aviation.

Guarijio Bible Translation Update

Missionary Terry Reed, who serves the Guarijio people of Mexico, writes, “I was recently in Mexico for a translation check of the books of Luke, 2 Thessalonians, and Revelation. … it was a very good trip, and it was very productive as well. Our translation consultant, Kevin Gutwein, set aside 16 days for the translation check. It was a real marathon in which we checked about 22% of the New Testament. We were especially pleased that we not only finished the check on time, we actually finished it 3 days ahead of schedule. It was a real blessing to see so much of the New Testament get checked, and that it checked out so well. The time with Santos, Vicente, and Kevin Gutwein was a real shot in the arm, and a such a rich blessing.”

Please praise the Lord for this progress in bringing His Word to another people group.

Badyaranke Seeing the Light through Chronological Bible Teaching

One Badyaranke man in Senegal, as he listened to Bible teaching said, “When I think about this

[the lies they believe], I know it cannot be true that God is going to weigh our good deeds and our bad deeds. When you think about it, God knows everything and never forgets anything. He has no need to weigh our deeds, because He already knows the outcome.”

Another man said, “When I get home from the field and get cleaned up, I sit down and read God’s Word [Gospel of Mark]. We have been so deceived. It is like we have been in the bottom of a pit and then buried in it, so that we could never get out of it. But God’s Word is slowly lifting us out of this pit and opening our eyes.”

Praise the Lord for shining His light as only He can, and ask that He send more believers to unreached people groups to shine the light.